Energy Healing / Reiki

Healing is an ancient therapy that is natural and helps the body by restoring balance in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of the body. The healer attunes and connects with the healing energy and will channel this energy through their hands into the client. Energy Healing can be viewed as a holistic system that enables the body to heal and maintain optimum health on all levels of functioning.

Clients can experience a sense of calmness, peace and, a feeling of being re-energised. The healing energy connects with the client’s own innate healing intelligence to restore balance, health and well-being at a level that is right for the client. In addition to relieving pain and restoring, healing may also initiate improvements in a client’s attitudes, give them greater clarity of thought and enhance their quality of life.

Healing has no known harmful side effects and is complementary to other therapies as well as mainstream interventions. Healing is a system that can help you help yourself. It is beneficial to everyone including children and the animal and plant world.

I am a member of The Healing Trust and we use this modality for healing. You do not have to have a specific belief system to receive healing as long as you come with an open mind and be receptive to the healing energies.

Spirituality can become more important in life, as we mature, we may begin to question spiritual beliefs we were taught and may wish to explore these existing beliefs to see if they are working. You may feel inspired to change your belief systems and need some guidance when accessing the spiritual path, the personal development section has workshops that may be of interest to you.

The Benefits of Energy Healing

  • A sense of inner peace and connection with ‘self’.
  • Reflection and openness to resolution of difficulties.
  • Maintaining balance.
  • Building relationships, with self, others, the community and the planet.
  • Feeling of purpose and meaning in life.
  • Personal responsibility for one’s ‘self’.

Energy Healing Fees

If you wish to know more about this intervention please get in touch.

Healing Session

£30 per session.

There is a reduced rate for those on low income.